Monthly Archives: December 2014

    Top after school reasons

    By |December 31st, 2014|

    For most kids, the number one reason to join any after school club or activity is, well, FUN! (Sorry about the shout. We tend to shout FUN a lot at Big Thinkers.) Some of the best times in a kid’s life happen in an afterschool program. But, did you know that there were scientific reasons […]

      Become a Big Thinker

      By |December 31st, 2014|

      Hello! Welcome Big Thinkers Science Exploration: the birthplace of science rock stars in Atlanta since 2005. Hopefully you are here because you saw what we were about and wanted to come along for the ride, but here’s a quick refresher, in case you need it. We are a hands-on science based education and entertainment company […]

        Informal Science

        By |December 31st, 2014|

        As you can probably guess, we at Big Thinkers believe science is probably one of the most important things there is. Everything in our world has a bit of science in it, so the more we know about science the better we understand what’s around us. This is one of the reasons we learn science […]

          After school

          By |December 31st, 2014|

          Have you ever watched the show MythBusters? Well, if you haven’t, we’ll sum it up for you in one word. Awesome. Just plain awesome. Okay, that was four words, but that’s truly how awesome the show is. The hosts of the show, who are all experts in a variety of sciences, perform experiments to tests […]

            New year

            By |December 31st, 2014|

            There are so many sounds we could use to describe this time of year. The whir of cooler winds. The buzz of alarm clocks before the sun rises. But there is one sound that sets this time of year apart from all the others. The grumbling. Low at first, the sounds of kids grumbling around […]